Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper


Date release
Revision number
Compatible with release
Supported languages
German de English en French fr Portuguese pt Russian ru
GameApplication Linux GameApplication Windows
Elite:Dangerous Application


Application that tracks which materials you have, which materials are relevant to collect, how much you need to collect to upgrade a weapon or suit, unlock an engineer or craft a blueprint.

This application reads the journal files to track which materials you have and make it instantly visible. It shows which materials are relevant to collect, how much you need to collect to upgrade a weapon or suit, unlock an engineer or craft a blueprint. You can design loadouts and see the effects of the upgrades you want to apply. You can track your open orders and stock on your fleetcarrier. You can also export your wishlist from EDSY into the app, as well as easily share your wishlists and loadouts with other commanders. A special feature of the app is an overlay that instantly shows you the relevance of data while standing at the data terminal.



  • Feb 5, 2023 (Bariri) Categories and languages updated
  • Feb 5, 2023 (Bariri) First revision