I've created a cross-site tracker to help people keep track of all the Elite content out there. I had hoped to finalise it in time for the Elite: Dangerous release, but I've had to reprioritise since becoming a moderator, so please enjoy this beta version until I can find some time to polish it off. You might particularly like:
- altairvista.com - search all Elite content, sorted by canonicity then by date (i.e. gazetteer first, then dev comments, then journals, and so on)
- The "current activity" newsfeed - a more advanced version of the New Posts page
- Four flavours of dev tracker - Frontier Staff, fiction authors, "inspiration" content (e.g. posts by Frontier's programmers) and "guideline" content (e.g. posts by Frontier's designers)
- Information about known individuals - to make sure people are correctly tracked
In fact the "current activity" newsfeed has two features I think you'll really like:
Forum-wide volume control: click on the speaker icon next to a thread, select the forum in the dropdown that appears, then drag the right-most slider one to the left. The volume has now been turned down on all threads in that forum that don't contain inspiration content.
Keyword highlighting: scroll down the page and hover over a tag with a magnifying glass icon. You should see a snippet with the specified word in it. The only keyword right now is "search", as in "I searched the forums before asking this question" or "a simple search would have answered your question" - this should make it easier to find questions you'd enjoy answering.
Admine note:
A bit like "DevStalker" but with a different layout and no greasemonkey script needed. It display quite a bit less historical data.
TODO: Change title from Altairvista.into Altairvista.com - an index of Elite content (public beta). Not done because of possible consequnece with the invitations. and the spreadsheet.