GoneGeeky Unofficial ED RSS Proxies


Date release
Compatible with release
Supported languages
English en
WebApplication Web application
Elite:Dangerous Application


Cleaned up, standards compliant RSS feeds for: - Galnet News (English, Deutsch & Francais) - Lave Radio - Lave Radio Episodes

The Galnet RSS feed as provided by Frontier historically has had some issues with formatting/standards compliance which has caused a number of tools which use RSS feeds to barf.

To fix this, initially for my own use, I created a simple proxy web service which grabs the current feed and cleans it up so that links work, it's standards compliant etc.

I've done the same with two Lave Radio feeds as well.

Feel free to use the feeds for anything you like, and let me know if you have any problems


2017-10-12 - Added new proxies for Galnet News  Francais and Deutsch.



  • Oct 12, 2017 (lazyllama) Added Galnet News RSS Proxies for Deutsch and Francais
  • Sep 28, 2015 (lazyllama) First revision