Imperial Navy Intervention and Rescue presents INTRA, a service designed to help bounty-hunters locate valuable pairs of systems for accepting and completing pirate Massacre missions.
The primary goal of the INTRA Search utility is to find a Shop system with as many useful factions as it can, from which Massacre missions can be obtained, all of which concern a single Arena system with good places to hunt.
Eligible system pairs are tracked constantly by monitoring EDDN faction activity over time.
Pairs are ranked by accounting for the number of useful factions, Supercruise distances, CNB/RES presence and Powerplay effects.
Many further options are available for filtering the Shop and the Arena, and using Hyperspace distance to affect the ranking.
Searching just for a loose Shop or Arena system is also supported.
Arena data is gathered via the INTRA Agent, a plug-in for EDMC or any compatible Journal service. The plug-in reports the CNB statuses of systems you visit, and also any RES signals discovered.
The plug-in also reports bounty claim statistics, categorised by the target Starship type and pilot rank. They consider whether a Kill Warrant Scanner is used, and separate the bounty claims into the local and foreign parts.
INTRA produces the hourly snapshot of its Arena data and offers a search API for anyone to use.