Thrustmaster t16000 mappings


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Thrustmaster t16000 mappings

Just wanted to let people know some of the issues I found and hence possibly save you hassle. It has taken me two weeks to set everyting up and get everything working - i am just about to launch the game for my first real outing! Whoop Whoop!

Things I discoverd:
I have a thrustmaster t16000. No need to use the target software you can map the buttons in game. If you want to use one of the buttons as a shift button, in the controls mapping section of the game just press two buttons at the same time.

When mapping the buttons ( roll, pitch, yaw) do not map left on the joystick or right on the joystick individually to the x axis. Rather in the same column as the keyboard settings (first coloumn/ primary) map the axis to the roll axis (to the left of the sensitivity slider). I can actually play the game now as the large dead zones have been removed.

I bought the HCS voice pack to use with voice attack and I kept the HCSPACK KB+M option - i then mapped the joystcik leaving their default keys alone.
I made an IR clip using you tube vids. PS3 eye about £7 on amazon. OSRAM SH***** IR leds - £6. I butchered a tape measure case so that clips on to the headphones and used 2 BIC pens as the arms - you can melt these so they bend to the perfect shape, one led is actually in the case. Note: IR leds have to have the correct polarity or they will not work! Normal leds can be anyway round but IR leds have to be a certain way. That took me an hour to figure that one out!

I used opentrack on its own and it works fine after ADJUSTING THE MAPPING curves. I assigned 'enter' to turning the headlook on/ off within that prog - i am yet to figure out how to attach that to a button on the joystick as it doesn't seem to work; i have seen thread saying the developers have been notified. Also in opentrack adjust the 'centre pose' found at: mapping/ option tab so your head is centred.

I know most of this is probably obvious to most people but to me it wasn't. If anyone wants my files so you do not have to do it all yourself I can put them somewhere. You can have the opentrack .ini file, the binds file (a work in progress) i use and the photoshop template to assign your own keys. You might have to wait a while as I about to be lost in space for some time...



  • Sep 28, 2015 (wolverine2710) Changed thread url+name: Now it clarifies that its an annoucement in another thread and not a dedicated thread.
  • Apr 10, 2015 (wolverine2710) No update information entered