This EDMC plugin displays the "habitable-zone" (i.e. the range of distances in which you might find an Earth-Like World) when you scan the primary star in a system with a Detailed Surface Scanner.
Optionally, you can choose to display the ranges in which you might find other high-value planets - Metal-Rich, Water and/or Ammonia Worlds.
Optionally, you can choose to display the high-value planets known to Elite Dangerous Star Map.
- On EDMC's Plugins settings tab press the “Open” button. This reveals the plugins folder where EDMC looks for plugins.
- Download the latest release.
- Open the .zip archive that you downloaded and move the HabZone folder contained inside into the plugins folder.
You will need to re-start EDMC for it to notice the new plugin.
Calculations taken from Jackie Silver's Hab-Zone Calculator.