MFD Cougar Display


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GameApplication Windows
Elite:Dangerous Application


Extends Elite's cockpit instrumentation onto additional monitors. Connect Thrustmaster Cougars / touchscreen monitors for extra immersion. This app has so many features some of which include: Fleet Carrier support, Mission route optimiser, Mining gameplay extras, Piracy gameplay extras, Bounty hunting extras. Beautifully animates the screens for extra levels of realism.

Feature List

This is just a summary of the features. Please refer to the feature guide document for a full description of all the features,  or the user manual for comprehensive documentation.


Odyssey engineering now supported!


As well as graphical enhancements, is tool is a must for explorers as it gathers the most useful information in real time as they enter a system.


Publish and share your cockpit custom consoles

Browse consoles created by others and quickly install them


Design your own custom cockpit layouts

  • Built-in designer
  • Up to 8 displays
  • Edit your own speech synthesis phrases


Mission Log - enhancements

  • Quick filters for miners looking for highest selling stations (Void Opals, LTD, etc)
  • Fleet carrier filter (removes them the database searches)


Simulated Space Station Radio Chatter

  • Enhances supercruise and system space trips with background simulated station chatter.
  • Voices synthesised and passed through multiple audio filters to make the sounds more "authentic" and suitable for that classic NASA chatter.
  • Other ambient sounds intermix with the chatter and pan around your speakers.
  • Included - NASA's Apollo 11 Moon landing transcript
  • A simple, fully customisable script / "langauage"


Ship module loadout and Engineering

  • View ship loadouts via interactive displays.
  • Engineering module information displayed
  • View locations of modules, eg powerplant to discover vunerabilities


POI / Navigation Heading Assistant

  • Enhances supercruise trips with background simulated chatter.
  • Use the user interface and set your own logitude and latitude settings
  • Fully automatic calculation of the heading (once you approach the target planet)
  • An optional, overlay window can be position ontop of Elite Dangerous

Route Plotter

  • Plot routes from your mission list
  • Manual route plotting - create your own waypoints
  • Plot routes using neutron star boosts

Galaxy Map

  • Plot routes on an in-built galaxy map
  • Rotate, pan and zoom the plotted route
  • System names copied to clipboard for easy entry into Elite
  • Seamless transition into an Orrey view


  • Beautifully rendered and animated view of the systems you have discovered
  • Use the UI to quickly discover and visualise/filter the different kinds of planets
    • Terraformed states
    • Atmosphere types
    • Atmosphere composition
    • Composition type (Metallic/Rocky/Icy)
  • Integrated into the Galaxy Map
  • Visualise the orbit shapes, planet rotations, orbits, types and compositions


Customisable Cockpit Displays

  • Cougar users can use the rocker switches to change aspects of the display dynamically
  • Almost zero configuration. A single click of the mouse is all that is needed
  • Runs minimised in the system tray.
  • Simply click on the icon to bring up the menus to reconfigure settings, position windows, etc.



Text to Speech Synthesis

  • Brings Elite Dangerous to life by making NPCs ‘talk’.
  • Multiple pirates (up to 5 simultaneously) are given different (user defined) voices for automatic speech synthesis.
  • Assign a unique synthetic voice as an assistant to your Elite COVAS voice.
  • Assign a unique synthetic voice to use used by system authorities / police.


Visual and Audio Information Announcements

Performs cargo limpet checks when undocking:

  • Prospector and cargo limpet controller
  • Recon and repair limpets
  • Hatch breaker limpets
  • Crew member check for ships with SLF fighter hangar
  • Conflict Zone warning
  • Anarchy system warning
  • High security system warning
  • Compromised nav beacon announcement
  • Hazardous Resource Extraction Site announcement
  • High value targets announced – see piracy
  • Hot Target announcements – see mercenary
  • Low fuel level warningsv
  • Docking rejection warnings, including the reason for refusal
  • Notoriety level warnings
  • Criminal activity warnings
  • Capital ship presence


Visual Aids

  • Heading and distance visual indicator and Elite overlay HUD
  • Landing pad docking assistant
  • Mining assistant – information on prospected asteroids
  • Docking assistant – information on available services
  • Target ship assistant – shield/hull health, legal status, Cmdr name, human player indicator
  • Notification of impending (NPC) interdiction
  • Notification of remaining jumps to final destination
  • Notice board with the 10 most recent announcements


Fleet Carrier Support


  • Audio and visual warning of impending decommission
  • Tracking of carrier finances
  • Tracking of carrier crew/roles



Mission Running Game play additions


  • Use the Mission Explorer module to optimise routes
  • Auto calculate the fastest route between systems
  • Auto searches for optimal station to buy mission cargo



Piracy / Mercenary Game play additions


  • Ships equipped with cargo manifest scanners – visual and audio indication of ships with high value
  • cargo (this feature is currently waiting for Frontier to address a missing event in the Journal logs)
  • Targets with a bounty are highlighted and announced
  • Entry into High security systems is announced
  • Hatch breaker linpet checks on undock



Bounty Hunting Game play additions


  • Record and search for systems with Compromised Navigation Beacons (CNB) and Hazardous Resource Extraction sites (HAZ Res)
  • Missing SLF pilot check and announcement



Mining Game play addition

Ships equipped for mining:

  • Limpet check reminder upon undocking
  • Tracks minerals refined (per session)
  • Tracks current limpet count (per session)
  • Display of the cargo total, remaining limpets and materials refined
  • Mining assistant – information on prospected asteroids
  • Hostpot record and search - automatically shows on jump



Exploration Enhancement


  • Graphical effect for planetary landings
  • Automatic switching to suitable consoles when in Analysis mode
  • Automatic screenshot to PNG converter, including renaming the files
  • Commander’s Log – Captures a log of strange and interesting systems encountered on your journey.
  • Automatic console switching
  • Search and record POI signal sources
  • Bookmark star systems



Simplified Configuration


  • One - click automatic key binding and synchronisation between Elite and EDCD application.
  • With once click, all the key bindings required by this application are brought over to Elite by replacing unused bindings, or, as a fall-back, secondary keyboard bindings.


    Customisable COVAS Assistant Voices


  • Select your preferred Windows TTS voice to accompany COVAS.
  • Select other voices for system authority vessels and select/deselect voices for use by NPCs.
  • Built-in utility included for voice selection and testing.
  • Methods available for the possible expansion of available voices for all users of Windows 10! See the separate guide on this topic.



Flexible Screen Layouts


  • Position the output windows on any monitor.
  • Re-size the windows and margins so that the rendered output matches the dimensions of the secondary monitors.
  • Switch roles between the consoles.
  • Adjustables:
  • Plenty of tweakable settings to adjust colours and layout positioning and element sizing.
  • Add / remove icons, rebind keys, show or hide labels




  • MFD Cougar Display MFD Cougar Display


  • Jul 3, 2024 (BionicBytes) Bug fixes
  • May 31, 2024 (BionicBytes) Odyssey 18.2 patch support
  • Apr 27, 2024 (BionicBytes) Fleet carrier update
  • View more ...
  • Mar 29, 2024 (BionicBytes) new version with fix for Cubesim
  • Mar 3, 2024 (BionicBytes) version update/Odyssey update 18
  • Nov 5, 2023 (BionicBytes) new version, 64-bit
  • Oct 7, 2023 (BionicBytes) Version update released
  • Sep 1, 2023 (BionicBytes) OpenGL support updated to core profile. Fixes issues with AMD drivers
  • Jul 27, 2023 (BionicBytes) new version
  • Jul 8, 2023 (BionicBytes) version update
  • May 31, 2023 (BionicBytes) INARA support
  • Apr 14, 2023 (BionicBytes) extra categories
  • Apr 14, 2023 (BionicBytes) version
  • Mar 4, 2023 (BionicBytes) Version
  • Feb 2, 2023 (BionicBytes) Update for Odyssey 14.0.1
  • Dec 31, 2022 (BionicBytes) Odyssey update #14 support
  • Dec 3, 2022 (BionicBytes) Custom Icon enhancements
  • Nov 4, 2022 (BionicBytes) Feature update
  • Sep 25, 2022 (BionicBytes) Odyssey update #13 support
  • Jul 23, 2022 (BionicBytes) Odyssey update 12 support
  • Mar 28, 2022 (BionicBytes) new version and feature update
  • Feb 5, 2022 (BionicBytes) version update
  • Jan 5, 2022 (BionicBytes) version update
  • Nov 6, 2021 (BionicBytes) Updated version
  • Oct 2, 2021 (BionicBytes) Odyssey engineering
  • Jul 9, 2021 (BionicBytes) Version update
  • Jun 1, 2021 (BionicBytes) version change
  • May 7, 2021 (BionicBytes) Odyssey update
  • Apr 12, 2021 (BionicBytes) Odyssey
  • Mar 12, 2021 (BionicBytes) Version 1.7, March 2021
  • Jan 16, 2021 (BionicBytes) Version change, new feature added
  • Dec 19, 2020 (BionicBytes) version change
  • Nov 15, 2020 (BionicBytes) Updates description
  • Nov 11, 2020 (BionicBytes) Version change, bug fixes
  • Oct 10, 2020 (BionicBytes) Version change, contact details
  • Sep 3, 2020 (BionicBytes) new feature: Orrery
  • Aug 8, 2020 (BionicBytes) August updates - Orrery/Galaxy Map/ Way points / Highest selling stations
  • Jul 18, 2020 (BionicBytes) Heading and distance HUD
  • Jul 7, 2020 (BionicBytes) typos
  • Jun 27, 2020 (BionicBytes) Categories
  • Jun 20, 2020 (BionicBytes) codex site update
  • Jun 20, 2020 (BionicBytes) image
  • Jun 20, 2020 (BionicBytes) site image
  • Jun 20, 2020 (BionicBytes) Added image
  • Jun 20, 2020 (BionicBytes) corrected links
  • May 28, 2020 (BionicBytes) description
  • May 28, 2020 (BionicBytes) Description
  • May 28, 2020 (BionicBytes) First revision

API used by this tool