Elite Dangerous Data Network (23)
EDDN is a super scalable, highly available distribution mechanism for dynamic data like market data and shipyard information. Planned: Distributing ship outfitting info. EDDN is heavily based on EMDN for Eve Online. EDDN is NOT a database but several third party tools exist which do store the distributed data and make it publicly available.
EDSpec is a Discord bot for the game Elite: Dangerous. The bot gives information on systems, stations, markets, shipyards, and much more. EDSpec is a must have in your Discord server! EDSpec relies on EDDN community...
API,EDDNUpdated : Mar 6, 2022 2
Journal Limpet
Journal storage and automatic EDDN submission
MISC,EDDNUpdated : Dec 29, 2020
An Elite Dangerous companion app to simplify finding unexplored worlds and provide the most useful information an explorer needs in real time as they plot their journey.
Routes,EDDN,ExplorationUpdated : Nov 12, 2020 11
ED Alerts
ED Alerts allows you to create Elite Dangerous commodity market price alerts. Get notified via Discord when a specific commodity buys or sells above or below a certain value. Specify min supply/demand, pad size,...
Trading,EDDN,BGSUpdated : Jan 10, 2022 4
Site hosting EDDN captures since 2018, and EDSM daily bodies dumps since 2019, including last EDSM full bodies dump
EDDNUpdated : Jul 5, 2020
Elite BGS
A tool to monitor a users favorite factions and systems through graphs and allows authorized users to edit data.
API,Visualization,MISC,EDDN,BGSUpdated : Jun 10, 2020 4
HITS is EDMC Plugin that gives risk assessments for ship safety upon jumping into a star system. The Plugin integrates with your built-in Remlok display system. It currently supports the Windowed and Borderless mode...
Visualization,EDDN,Graphics,FightingUpdated : Jul 1, 2022 5
Neutron Highway and Road 2 Riches route planner
Long range route planner for exploration, passenger missions. Prioritises reducing number of jumps and number of trips to the galaxy map
Routes,EDDN,Exploration,Crafting,EngineersUpdated : Jul 1, 2022 18
Elite: Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC)
Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC") is a third-party application for use with Frontier Developments' game "Elite Dangerous". Its purpose is to facilitate supplying certain game data to, and in some cases retrieving...
Trading,Logbook,EDDN,Exploration,ShipyardUpdated : Jan 10, 2023 197
EDAPI: Elite Dangerous API Tool
Automates pulling your profile information from the mobile API, and populating Trade Dangerous with station, market, and shipyard data. Optionally post info to the EDDN.
Trading,EDDN,ExplorationUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 6
Trade Dangerous
TradeDangerous is set of powerful trading tools for Elite Dangerous, organized around one of the most powerful trade run optimizers available. TD is a heavy hitter that can calculate complex routes with multiple stops...
Trading,Routes,EDDN,ExplorationUpdated : Jul 1, 2022 15
EDDN - Elite Dangerous Data Network
The Elite: Dangerous Data Network (EDDN) is a system for players to share dynamic data - such as commodity prices - from Elite: Dangerous.
API,EDDNUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 35
ED-Fusion (DEAD)
ED-Fusion is a complete set of tools for finding systems, stations, faction, commodities, ships
Trading,API,EDDN,ShipyardUpdated : May 24, 2023 1
The EDDN Explorer Aggregation Service
A Web Application for visualizing galactic averages and trends with the explorer in mind.
EDDN,ExplorationUpdated : Jul 1, 2022
EDStats is an online leaderboard for various in-game statistics. From total distance jumped to the amount you have earned trading, soon you will be able to compare yourself against other players in numerous different...
Logbook,API,Visualization,EDDNUpdated : Jul 1, 2022 5
Elite Dangerous Utilities
A tool to help find places interest in and around the populated area of Elite Dangerous.
Routes,API,MISC,EDDN,Coords,Guides,ExplorationUpdated : Jul 1, 2022 15
Ed-Map.eu -> Galaxy's Systems & Power Play visualizer
The map visualize Eddb json data into a 3D navigable map.
Trading,Visualization,EDDN,Exploration,ShipyardUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 8
Trading tool, Route planner, Ship finder, Outfitting finder...
Trading,Routes,EDDN,ShipyardUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 11
EDCE: Elite Dangerous Companion Emulator.
This is an interface that emulates an iPhone accessing the Elite Dangerous Companion web API, which is normally used by a mobile application developed by Frontier Developments. This experimental code has not been created...
EDDNUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 4
EDDN RealTime Feed
A tool similar to EMDR map for EVE which has the following description: See the solar systems light up as market data arrives.
Visualization,EDDNUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 4
EDDN on DynamoDB
Archive in AWS of messages broadcast on the firehose of EDDN
API,EDDNUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 2
EDDB - Elite: Dangerous Database
Routeplanner, Trading tool and API (ROSS). ROSS is the public backend of EDDB. It allows the community to create and edit station and system information. It also provides nigtly dumps of the data.
Trading,API,EDDN,ShipyardUpdated : Apr 21, 2023 65
EliteOCR allows you to OCR market screenshots from Elite: Dangerous and export the data to various formats and services.
Trading,OCR,EDDNUpdated : Jun 30, 2022 21